
The website GPinfo.nl is produced by the Dutch College of General Practitioners (Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap), hereinafter referred to as NHG, we or us).

We endeavour to ensure that the information on GPinfo.nl is correct and easy to understand. We apply medical guidelines for GPs, medical specialists and other healthcare providers in the creation of our content.

Your situation may be different than those described in the various texts on GPinfo.nl. For personal advice on your situation, please contact your GP. Your GP knows you, and understands the situation around your health.
The information on GPinfo.nl is not intended as a substitute for contacting or making an appointment with your GP or medical specialist. NHG is not liable for any damage you may suffer as a consequence of advice taken from GPinfo.nl.

GPinfo.nl is operated by NHG. You may use the images, texts, video clips, decision aids and other information on GPinfo.nl for yourself and share them among your circle of family and friends. 

Any intellectual property or other rights to the images, texts, video material, decision aids or other information on GPinfo.nl are vested in NHG or other organisations with which NHG collaborates. This means, for example, that anything posted by us on GPinfo.nl may not be used on other websites. You are only entitled to do so with NHG’s express consent. Should you wish to use any of the images, texts, video clips, decision aids or other information elsewhere, you must always ask NHG prior to doing so.

Should you wish to, you may add a hyperlink to GPinfo.nl on your own website. You do not have to ask NHG for permission for this.